The Flood and Creation.

                                      The Flood, Creation And Genesis?

Genesis chapter 7 verse 6:-   "Noah was 600 years old when the floodwaters came upon the earth."

Lamech (Noah's father) died 5 years before the flood, and Methuselah (Noah's grandfather) died the year of the flood. Noah started building the Ark about 40 years before the flood, and there is no evidence that either his father or grandfather helped in any way with it's construction.

After the flood the lifespan of people started to decrease, so Abraham the next righteous man mentioned in the Genesis account lived for only 175 years before he died. It is also worth noting that Noah was still alive when Abraham was 57 years old, and Shem (one of Noah's sons)  lived on for 33 years after Abraham had died.

Also worth noting is that Abraham was 100 years old when his son Isaac was born, and Isaac was 60 years old when Jacob who was the founder of the nation of Israel was born and he (Isaac) would have been 50 years old when Noah's son Shem died, and Jacob would have been born 10 years after Shem had died.

Also please note that Adam lived until Lamech (Noah's father) was over 50 years old, and it is very probable that Lamech would have informed Noah all about Adam's history!

                                                              What does this knowledge teach us?

It was highly probable that all these people here mentioned were well informed about the history of Adam, his creation and his life, and of Noah and his sons life before the flood and certainly after the flood. And please take into consideration that the important history of creation at that time was mainly passed on by word of mouth which is still practised by some indigenous peoples in Africa, South America and among tribe of north American Indians today, and is proven to be surprisingly accurate!

                                                                            Even More Accurate!

So all the evidence indicates that Moses would have had 2 sources of historic knowledge available to him when the nation of Israel returned to the promised land from Egypt 1. the knowledge handed down through the generations and 2. the written word which was in popular use in his day. But never forget that the most important Knowledge of mans creation and early history would have come from the true God Jehovah himself as the Bible says Jehovah spoke to Moses personally:   

Exodus chapter 33 verse 11 says in part- "Jehovah spoke to Moses face-to-face, just as one man would speak to another man."   

And that is why Moses had accurate knowledge of the whole Genesis account and could accurately write it down for us today, the true source of the information about the Genesis account came from Jehovah and not from man!

This information helps us today to put our trust in the written word of God contained in the Bible as being the truth. Never forget that Jehovah's book the Bible may have been written down by men, but it is Jehovah who guided the pen!

                                          Put Your Trust in Jehovah!

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