The Power of God.

                                               God's Awesome Power!

                                                                    Where Did the Sun Come From?

Isaiah chapter 40 verse 26:-   26 Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one of them is missing.

OUR sun is only an average-size star. Even so, its mass is 330,000 times greater than the mass of the earth. The majority of nearby stars are smaller than the sun. Other stars, though, such as the one named V382 Cygni, have a mass at least 27 times greater than our sun.

How much energy does our sun radiate? Imagine how fierce a fire would have to be if you were ten miles [15 km] from it and could still feel the heat. The sun is, on average, about 93 million miles [150 million km] from the earth. Yet, on a sunny day, its heat can blister the skin! Remarkably, only about one billionth of the sun’s energy strikes the earth. Still, this fraction of the sun’s power is enough to sustain life on the planet.

In fact, scientists have calculated that the total energy output from just our sun is enough to sustain some 31 trillion planets like the earth. Or to measure this enormous output another way: If all the sun’s power could be harnessed for just one second, it would provide the United States “with enough energy, at its current usage rate, for the next 9,000,000 years,” says the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) Web site.

                                                                                Awesome Energy!

The sun’s energy emanates from its core — a nuclear reactor that smashes atoms together and spews out power. The sun is so big and its core so dense that it takes millions of years for the energy produced within the core to well up to the surface. “If the Sun were to stop producing energy today,” says the SWPC Web site, “it would take 50,000,000 years for significant effects to be felt at Earth!”

Now consider this fact: When you raise your eyes on a clear night, you are seeing thousands of stars, each disgorging vast amounts of energy, similar to our sun. And scientists calculate that there are billions upon billions of stars in the universe!

Where did all these stars come from? Most researchers now believe that for reasons they still do not understand, the universe suddenly burst into existence some 14 billion years ago. The Bible simply states:

Genesis chapter 1 verse 1:-   In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Without a doubt, the One who created the colossal energy machines we call stars can be described as incredibly powerful beyond understanding!

                                                                           The Marvellous Moon

One important way in which the moon affects life on earth is that its gravitational pull causes the ebb and flow of the tides. Tidal movements are thought to be fundamental to ocean currents, which, in turn, are vital for our weather patterns.

Another key purpose that our moon serves is that its gravitational force stabilises earth’s axis with respect to earth’s plane of orbit around the sun. According to the scientific journal Nature, without the moon, the inclination of earth’s axis would wobble over long periods of time from “nearly 0 [degrees] to 85 [degrees].” Imagine if earth’s axis had no tilt! We would miss the delightful change of seasons and suffer from a shortage of rain. The earth’s tilt also prevents temperatures from becoming too extreme for us to survive. “We owe our present climate stability to an exceptional event: the presence of the Moon,” concludes astronomer Jacques Laskar. To fulfil its stabilising role, our moon is large—relatively larger than the moons of the giant planets.

                                                                                A Total Eclipse

There are at least 293 moons in our solar system. They orbit seven of the system’s nine planets. The earth, however, seems to be the only planet in the solar system that enjoys the spectacle of total eclipses. Why is that?

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes between the sun and the earth. To get a perfect overlap, the apparent sizes of the sun and the moon have to be roughly the same, so that the moon almost totally covers the sun. And this is exactly the case! Although the sun is 400 times bigger in diameter than the moon, it is also nearly 400 times farther away from the earth than is the moon.

                                                                            The Right Climate

But the earth’s distance from the sun and thus the apparent size of the sun is more than simply a factor in the forming of a total eclipse. It is also a vital condition for the existence of life on earth. “If we were a little nearer or farther from the Sun,” Gonzalez says, “the Earth would be too hot or too cold and so uninhabitable.”

There is more. Earth’s unusually large moon helps life on this planet because its gravitational pull prevents the earth from wobbling around too much on its axis. Such wobbling would cause wild and catastrophic swings in climate. So to have life on earth, what is needed is an exact combination of the right distance between sun and earth as well as a moon of the right size and this on top of all the other considerations regarding the nature of the sun. What are the chances that all of this is coincidental?  - Anyone believing in coincidence must be suffering from Sun stroke or Moon madness!

Job chapter26 verse14:-  14 Look! These are just the fringes of his ways; Only a faint whisper has been heard of him! So who can understand his mighty thunder?

                        All This By Blind Chance? Or BY God's Power!

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