Creation makes Sense!

                                        Is Evolution a Scientific Theory?

                                                                   Don't Make a Monkey of Yourself!

What qualifies a theory as a scientific theory? According to the Encyclopaedia of Scientific Principles, Laws, and Theories, a scientific theory, such as Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity, must Be observable, Be reproducible by controlled experiments, Make accurate predictions.

In that light, where does evolution stand?

Its operation cannot be observed. It cannot be reproduced. And it cannot make accurate predictions.

Can evolution even be considered a scientific hypothesis?

The same encyclopaedia defines a hypothesis as “a more tentative observation of facts [than a theory],” yet lends itself “to deductions that can be experimentally tested.”  By the above standards Evolution fails completely to be classified as scientific!

Note:-   People today are taught that Evolution is a scientific fact, but nothing could be further from the truth! Evolution is not even a Theory (it's an idea put forward by men with no proof or data to back it up), in other words Wishful Thinking!

PS: Evolution is as much a religion as any other faith, because evolutionists (people who believe  in this idea) need real faith to accept this  creed because they have absolutely no scientific proof that evolution  is a fact - There is much more substantial  scientific proof that we were created !

                                                                    An American Newspaper Article

"The on-all-fours sauropod looks to have died in some sort of catastrophic flood event. Its remains were hemmed in with the bones of other animals by a big tree trunk. The rearing sauropod could have died in a sudden deluge. Interestingly, lots of teeth from meat-eating dinosaurs known as theropods were found amongst the remains. Is this evidence of flood victims?"

Note:-   Possibly? This explanation is as good as any other! It is also worth noting that Mammoths and other large animals have been dug out of the Siberian permafrost with vegetation still in their mouths, indicating that they died suddenly without warning probably from drowning?

                                                                  Scientific Analysis of the Shroud

Since the late 19th century, researchers have tried to use scientific methods to test the authenticity of the Turin shroud. Some of these tests have proved inconclusive. However in 1988 the Vatican submitted small samples taken from the shroud to three laboratories in different countries. After the laboratories subjected the samples to radiocarbon dating, each one concluded that the shroud was in fact from the 13th or 14th century C.E or A.D!

Note:-   The Catholic church and many other religions have made a practise of collecting (dubious at best) religious "Relics" purporting them to be authentic, though there is absolutely no proof that these "Relics" ever belonged to the people they were supposed to represent! In any event, "Relics" are a snare to a true Christian and are really a form of veneration or Idol worship!

                                                               Protection From Jupiter and Saturn

Jupiter and Saturn have protected life on Earth for hundreds of millions of years by shielding us from comets. Many large comets hurtling towards Earth all the way from the edge of the Solar System have been batted away or drawn in and swallowed by the two gas giants, preserving life as we know it.

through simulations, a typical small body — like an asteroid or comet — between Jupiter and Saturn will get kicked out, but many of them are ejected after they pass into the inner solar system. Further simulations (some dropping Jupiter from the equations, and some dropping Saturn) show that it takes both planets combined to reliably move objects out of the solar system. If only one planet of the two exists, a belt of material is created and only a few small bodies are removed from the solar system, that would let bigger bodies head inward toward Earth and possibly destroy life on the planet.

Jupiter has been called the vacuum cleaner of the solar system because its gravity sucks in asteroids and comets

Because Jupiter and Saturn are so large and massive compared to Earth, they shield Earth from would-be attackers (in this case, asteroid and comet collisions) by scattering incoming objects gravitationally or by absorbing collisions themselves.

it defies belief that This protective system provided by both of these gas giants just happened by chance, this is just another of the many reasons for belief in a creator who is actively shielding this planet from serious harm!

                                               Psalm chapter 146 verse 3:-   3 Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.

             As Below - Anyone can draw a picture, but fantasy is still fantasy when there is no proof!

                                                                                                Please visit  for much more information on all subject matter presented here.