Monkeys and Men. 

                                          Evolution - is Total Rubbish!

You cannot take a couple of bones from a rock face and say that this fossil is an ancestor of Man! This practise comes not from real evidence but from wishful thinking on behalf of the ones who want desperately to disprove creation, the people who push this theory as fact are not scientists, they are religious theorists.

                                                                         Is Evolution a Religion?

Definition of Religion:   A form of worship. It includes a system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practises; these may be personal, or they may be advocated by an organisation. Usually religion involves belief in God or in a number of gods; or it treats humans, objects, desires, or forces as objects of worship. Much religion is based on human study of nature; there is also revealed religion. There is true religion and false.

By the above Definition, evolution theory is a religion, because it takes faith (as there is no proof whatsoever ) to believe in it's teachings.

                                                                             Theory Not Fact!

Evolution is based not on established scientific fact, but on theory!  by contrast it is a fact that the theory of evolution does not pass the simple test of substantiation, the dictionary definition of which is "The act of validating; finding or testing the truth of something".

                                                                             Fact Not Theory!

Genesis chapter 1 verse 24:-   24 Then God said: “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds, domestic animals and creeping animals and wild animals of the earth according to their kinds.

Genesis chapter 1 verse 26:-   26 Then God said: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.

There is no room for substituting evolution for creation in either of these scriptures, animals and man must reproduce "according to their kinds" there is no real fossil evidence for any animal or bird or man ever changing into another or more advanced creature over time.

                                                                   What about Neanderthals?

There has been much debate among evolutionists regarding the status of Neanderthal man and their relationship to modern man. For many years Neanderthal man has been portrayed as ape like semi humans, but recent studies has shown that Neanderthal man was a true human who even mated with and produced offspring with modern man in the past, this fact was proved because Neanderthal DNA was found to be present in modern man!

Various explanations for this have been put forward by evolutionists, but let us add another probable explanation for this occurrence that has just as much validity as any other theory:- The Flood of Noah's day wiped out all humans who lived before the Flood except Noah and his three sons and their wives, eight souls from whom the population of the modern world were brought about. Neanderthal man lived before the Flood and their DNA was passed down to us from the survivors of this event, but as over 4300 years have passed since this event, Neanderthal mans (Pre Flood Humans) DNA has been weakened so that only trace amounts can now be found in modern mans DNA. Knowledge of the Bible allows this theory to fit just as closely as any other, and there is evidence to support the flood whereas there is none to support evolution!

Evolutionists would say that Neanderthals were different to humans because they were shorter (that is really scraping the barrel as modern evidence shows they were actually about the same Hight as today's man) and had slightly protruding brows and deeper rib cages than modern man, these differences are minor and common even today, just as a Pygmy from Africa and an Eskimo from Canada or an Aborigine from Australia have differences in body shape facial features and size of Skeleton. So their arguments are frivolous, stupid and completely wrong! Drawings by Evolutionists depict Neanderthals as hairy and somewhat Ape like but they produce no evidence because there is no evidence to support this, so this is also a distortion of the truth, but sadly evolutionists have always used distorted information to support their conclusions, in truth there is no evidence that Neanderthals were different in any real sense from modern man!

                                                                         A Changed World

Neanderthals were ordinary people who died before or during the flood of Noah's day, that is why they do not any longer exist and their DNA is very weak in the billions of modern humans, but they were as human as we are today!

Also take into account that all those who died in the Flood of Noah's day were buried under millions of tons of water, rock and mud for about a year and were subject to incredible pressures from the weight and volume of water on the Earth which even changed the topography of this planets surface features, so scientific dating techniques including carbon dating would never give accurate figures from before the Flood and have often had to be poorly approximated by evolutionists with their own agenda, guess work and outright lies being the order of the day.

Psalm chapter 104 verses 6 to 8:-   6 You covered it (the Earth) with deep waters as with a garment. The waters stood above the mountains. 7 At your rebuke they fled; At the sound of your thunder they ran away in panic 8 Mountains ascended and valleys descended To the place you established for them.

                   Evolution or creation, Only one of these Religions can be true? - YOU Decide Which!

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