Protected Galaxies

                                              Protected Shields

Nasa’s Hubble telescope has spotted “protective shields” around distant galaxies.

The phenomenon has long been theorised by scientists, but has been confirmed to exist for the first time.

Our Milky Way’s biggest neighbours are known as the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, and have a difficult time as they tumble through space. They are pulled apart not only by each other’s orbits, but also the Milky Way itself.

But still the galaxies have remained together, intact, and are even making new stars.

                                                                      Unexplained Mystery

“A lot of people were struggling to explain how these streams of material could be there,” said Dhanesh Krishnarao, assistant professor at Colorado College. “If this gas was removed from these galaxies, how are they still forming stars?”

Scientists have thought that those galaxies must be protected somehow, so that the contents can be kept safe during collisions. Now researchers have finally seen that protection: a vast, cosmic bumper.

Ask yourselves, where did this protection  come from?

                                                                           How it Works?

It works like a cosmic cocoon, made of gas, which can absorb some of the impacts.

“Anything that tries to pass into the galaxy has to pass through this material first, so it can absorb some of that impact,” said Krishnarao in a statement. “In addition, the corona is the first material that can be extracted. While giving up a little bit of the corona, you’re protecting the gas that’s inside the galaxy itself and able to form new stars.”

                                                                             Guess Work

The corona is probably the leftovers of a cloud of gas that collapsed and formed the galaxy in the first place, billions of years ago, scientists said. Scientists had been predicting the existence of such a protection for years. But the new research is the first time that it has been seen directly.

Protection can only come from a protector, if all galaxies  have this form of protection then this is another reason  to support the idea of a creator!

                                                                     The Only Explanation

The discovery is reported in a new paper, ‘Observations of a Magellanic Corona’, published in the journal Nature.

Ask yourselves, where did the galaxies get this protective shield from? Without the shield in time the galaxies would be pulled apart and continually damaged by space debris and large asteroids, even our own Milky Way galaxy would suffer the same fate?

Isaiah chapter 40 verse 26:-   26 “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name. Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power, Not one of them is missing.

         Protection of any sort can only come from a protector, so the explanation for where this                                                                     protection came from is obvious -

                                                     The Creator!

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