The Last Resort.

                                         Is suicide an unforgivable sin?

Psalm chapter 34 verse 18:-   18 Jehovah is close to the broken hearted; He saves those who are crushed in spirit.

NO! The Bible does not list suicide as an unforgivable sin. Even though taking one’s own life is a serious sin, God fully understands factors such as mental illness, extreme stress, or even genetic traits that may lead to suicidal urges.  Through the Bible, he provides comfort to those in distress. In addition, the Bible says that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. This shows that there is hope  for people who have made serious mistakes, such as having committed suicide

                                                                        Lack of Love and Mercy

Many so called Christian denominations have shown very little understanding or love for ones who have committed suicide to the point of refusing to bury members of there own congregations in consecrated ground in effect denying them a hope of resurrection - This practise goes against God's mercy and love as clearly displayed in the Bible!

Euthanasia, or mercy killing, is defined as “killing someone who is very sick or injured in order to prevent any more suffering.” (Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary) When a doctor helps a patient to end his life, this is called physician-assisted suicide. While the doctors who practise this are genuinely inclined, they are still doing something that is wrong in God's eyes! Also the few cases of suicide mentioned in the Bible all involved persons who did not serve God whole souled or act in harmony with God’s will, people like Judas Iscariot.

                                                                 God understands Mental Illness

Philippians chapter 4 verses 6 and 7:-   6 Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.

Suicidal thoughts may be a symptom of mental or emotional illness. Like physical sickness, this is nothing to be ashamed of. Mental and emotional illnesses can be treated.

No matter how bleak your situation seems today, it can change tomorrow. So look for ways to cope.  Your distressing situation will likely change in time, but you cannot undo suicide.

2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 8:-    8 We are hard-pressed in every way, but not cramped beyond movement; we are perplexed, but not absolutely with no way out;

                                                                         Fight the Inclination

Below is a Poem written by someone who suffered with suicidal thoughts and found that time is often a great healer, what seems to be a fight you cannot win can change very quickly to a much more hopeful situation given time! Also a strong faith in God can help you to win the battle against depression which is a major cause of suicidal thoughts:


We know this world is often strange and doesn't make much sense,
and happiness is hard to find just living makes you tense.
Working hard to earn a crust can leave you unfulfilled,
and rearing children wears you out and slowly saps your will.
There's no escape from rising costs and demands upon your time,
for when you've paid your bills and debts you haven't got a dime.
So what's the use in struggling you might begin to think,
Your heads above the water but your only going to sink.
This is what depression does and life feels like a curse,
the more you try to put things right the more it makes things worse.
With no way out or so it seems all hope has long since died,
but even though the bottoms reached there's something you've not tried.
Through darkest gloom faint light is seen and suddenly it's clear,
that others too have suffered and have shed as many tears.
For they have fought the monster through pain and blackest night,
and battled on till daylight dawns where life is fresh and bright.
For hopes not died it's only hid and you must find the road,
to help you walk in confidence that you can bear the load.

                                                                       Cling to Jehovah.

Psalm chapter 31 verse 7:-   7 I will rejoice greatly in your loyal love, For you have seen my affliction; You are aware of my deep distress

Your emotions may go up and down like a ship in a storm, but the hope held out by Jehovah in the Bible can stabilise you.

In Conclusion:   Suicide is a sin, but unlike other sins you cannot repent from this often desperate act! Loved ones and members of the Christian congregations should always keep in mind that the person who has taken their own life did so under extreme mental distress, and found it impossible to find any other alternative. We should always feel the same love for them as we felt when they were alive and remember that Jehovah understands their actions much better than we can ever do. One of Jehovah's primary qualities is Mercy and we should never doubt that he will exercise his love and mercy to anyone he deems worthy via a resurrection when the time comes!

Psalms chapter 145 verses 8 and 9:-   8 Jehovah is compassionate and merciful, Slow to anger and great in loyal love. 9 Jehovah is good to all, And his mercy is evident in all his works.

                                              Love Never Fails.

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