A Restored Earth.

                                                 Polar Ice Caps

                                                                          A Promise Kept

Psalm 104 verses 6 to 9:-    6 You covered it with deep waters as with a garment. The waters stood above the mountains.7 At your rebuke they fled; At the sound of your thunder they ran away in panic 8 Mountains ascended and valleys descended To the place you established for them. 9 You set a boundary that they should not pass, That they should never again cover the earth.

                                                                         Global Warming

As most people know, the north Arctic ice cap has no large land mass underneath it, but the same is not true of the south Antarctic ice cap which has a large continental land mass under the ice. It is also true that if both of these ice masses melted completely tomorrow all the low lying and much of the higher ground of the Earth would be submerged by the added volume of water on the planet, and if the rest of the ice in places like Greenland, northern Canada and Northern Russia were also to melt the amount of land above water would be considerably reduced.

                                                                          Died Suddenly

Northern Russia consists of huge areas of land that are totally frozen in what is referred to as permafrost (ground saturated with water that is permanently frozen), and a large number of late prehistoric animals such as Mammoths, cave bears and other species have been recovered from this frozen waste that are almost perfectly preserved, some Mammoths have even been found with vegetation still in their mouths suggesting that they died through drowning very quickly indeed, if they had died from the cold which is a gradual process they would not have still been eating at the point of death!

                                                                       How it Happened

The scripture above gives us some very eye opening information:- Verse 6 tells us that the flood of Noah's day covered everything including the tops of the mountains - it should be noted from this statement that the mountains on the Earth before the flood were nowhere near as tall as the mountains became after the flood:- Verse 8 Then the weight and pressure of the flood waters on the Earth and the obvious effect of Jehovah's spirit on the flooded land made a huge difference to the topography of our planet, so It was just before the flood waters receded that the mountains and valleys took on there present shape and size, please note:- Verse 9 If the flood waters had remained as water the land would never be able to reappear, so Jehovah caused the flood waters to collect at the north and south (Arctic and Antarctic) then froze them in place so that dry land could re-establish itself again:- Verse 7 and verse 9 seems to support Gods actions in removing the flood waters to safe (frozen) areas of the Earth.

                                                                     Paradise Restored

Antarctica was once a continent that was free of ice, under the ice covering geologists have detected lakes and (unfrozen) rivers and the remains of forests, so in the past the Earth was a very different place to what it is today, and in Jehovah's due time it will be restored to the paradise it was always meant to be -Nothing can stop Jehovah's purpose for our planet and we all have the opportunity to be part of his purpose if we learn about him and support his sovereignty and his appointed King Jesus Christ!

                                                                       Plenty of Room

It is apparently true that if you place people shoulder to shoulder you could stand everyone who has ever existed on the island of Anglesey just off the tip of North Wales with room to spare, so when you consider that all those who died in the flood of Noah's day will not receive a resurrection, including those who are destroyed at Armageddon and all those who Jehovah will not resurrect because of unredeemable wickedness, you can see that the Earth has ample room for everyone. Consider also that according to the Bible the desert area's of the Earth along with wilderness places will become fertile and the then restored continent of Antarctica will add to the available land area and make everyone happy and content even the animal life with their own space and absolutely no overcrowding!

                       You Can be There by Serving Jehovah Now!

                                                                                              Please visit  www.jw.org  for much more information on all subject matter presented here.