Why the Plagues?

                                    False Gods Proved Worthless

Almost everyone has heard about the 10 plagues of Egypt and the freeing of Israel from bondage. But how many of you realise that Jehovah had a secondary more important purpose in bringing about those fearsome plagues?

The Egyptian Pharaoh (king) was a hard of heart and a stubborn man who viewed himself as a God, and he and his people were convinced that their Gods could protect them and deliver them from their enemies. The 10 plagues sent by Jehovah proved how wrong their reliance on their false Gods to save them actually was!

Below is a chart showing how useless these Gods were in stopping Jehovah from carrying out his purpose in delivering his people and exposing these false Gods as being worthless.


god of underworld (Responsible for Nile) First plague:                                            Nile river turns to blood.


Nile crocodile god (Blood) first plague:                                                                              Nile river turns to blood. 


frog god (frogs in Nile) second plague:                                                                               Frogs, Frogs and more Frogs.


god of magic (could not produce flies) third and forth plague:                          Magic practising priests fail.


means mother (association with animals, cow headed) fifth plague:           All cattle die in Egypt but not where Israelite's live.


crops and healing (Boils and crops) sixth plague:                                                      Boils break out on all Egyptians. 


god of sky and light (weather/hail) Seventh plague:                                                Hail destroys all crops in Egypt but not where Israelite's live.


Green skin (god of vegetation) eighth plague:                                                             Locusts destroy everything edible left in Egypt.


Sun God (Darkness) ninth plague:                                                                                       No Sun or Moon complete darkness in Egypt. 


Heavenly lady (Associated with pregnancy/firstborn) tenth plague:           All firstborn die in Egypt including Pharaoh's (considered a god) son.

There are many other false Egyptian gods that could be applied to the 10 plagues, these are just some examples of important (to the Egyptians) gods that were shown to be worthless by Jehovah. Interestingly when Pharaoh and his armies tried to slaughter the Israelite's at the Red Sea, they were destroyed by Jehovah, and he again proved the worthlessness of the Egyptian god "Petbe" the god of vengeance. Also the changing of Moses rod into a large snake which ate up the snakes of Pharaohs magic practicing priests proved the uselessness of the "serpent goddess "Uatchit" worshiped by the Egyptians and worn as a protective serpent ornament on the front of Pharaohs headdress.

So what do we learn from this?

Nothing can stop Jehovah from saving his people today while destroying the wicked and their false gods at Armageddon. There is still time to be on the right side when Jehovah acts.   

Zephaniah chapter 1 verses 2 and 3:-    1 Gather together, yes, gather yourselves, O nation that feels no shame. 2 Before the decree takes effect, Before the day passes by like chaff, Before the burning anger of Jehovah comes upon you, Before the day of Jehovah’s anger comes upon you, 3 Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth, Who observe his righteous decrees. Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably you will be concealed on the day of Jehovah’s anger.

                                                                                               Please visit  www.jw.org  for much more information on all subject matter presented here.