Extermination By Pollution

                                                    The Ruined Earth

Revelation chapter 11 verse 18:-   18 But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time came for the dead to be judged and to reward your slaves the prophets and the holy ones and those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.

The second Industrial Revolution lasted from the mid-19th century until the early 20th century and took place in Britain, continental Europe, North America, and Japan.

                                                                           Some Good Mostly Bad

Whilst these huge changes to the industrial scene brought about many improvements to peoples lives and living standards, it was also the start of heavy pollution and the destruction of the environment in many country's throughout the world, there is no real doubt that this period of time and the years that followed led directly to the problems the Earth now experiences with Global Warming and pollution of land and sea!

                                                                                 To Late For Man

Most scientists are now in agreement that we have already reached the tipping point where it will be almost impossible to reverse the damage we have done to the Earths environment, the scripture above mentions the REAL consequences of mankind's actions in ruining the Earth!

For centuries mankind has followed a path that has led it into conflict with God, this planet is on the verge of ruin and we only have ourselves to blame! A few people hold the majority of wealth in their hand, some have billions of pounds/dollars in their possession more money than some small countries have available, then there are others who are greedy in a different way, they have Power and use it to cause and fight unjust wars killing thousands of people because of their own perverted greed, as a result the world is full of people who have left their home land hoping to find shelter and relief in more stable countries only to be turned away by those who have the power to help them!

                                                                                  Hide The Filth

Many animal and even insect species are now extinct because of changes to their habitats caused by uncaring foolish and greed ridden people. Add to this the fact that certain counties load up ships with unsanitary waste then transport it to third world countries and dump it on their beaches, also closer to home sanitation companies make it a practise to dump sewage in our rivers and the sea so that they don't have to pay the cost of treating it properly in their disposal plants.

                                                                                 God Knows All

All these things mentioned here are only the tip of the iceberg, and are illustrative of the damage caused by greed and to much power in the hands of wicked people. "Me First" has become the norm in the world today, so is it any wonder that the true God will destroy the vast majority of mankind, there is no alternative, God knows that even after being given the chance most people would not change their ways, and they have been given that chance through the witness work of millions of God fearing people who have been telling of the destruction that is coming!

There may still be time for people to change their ways and come to an accurate knowledge of truth, but for those who refuse to do what is right there is only one certain outcome - Destruction when Jehovah acts!

Ezekiel chapter 6 verse 10:-   10 They will have to know that I am Jehovah and that my threats to bring this calamity on them were not empty.

In Conclusion:   In order to remove the pollution from this planet, you have to remove the cause or it will never be cleaned up! Sadly it is mankind that is the cause, so to successfully remove all pollution Jehovah fully intends to remove that cause   -    Disobedient Mankind!

                                                                                              Please visit  www.jw.org  for much more information on all subject matter presented here.