Earthquakes on the Increase!

Matthew chapter 24 verses 7 and 8:-    7  “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. 8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.

 Does the evidence show that the words of Jesus Christ are evidence of a prophesy coming true in our day?  I think most reasoning people would agree that warfare id definitely on the increase, and in my country food shortages because of poverty have become a reality even though my country is not considered to be a poor land, foodbanks are found in almost every town. But what about Earthquakes, are they on the increase?

With data obtained from the National Geophysical Data Centre in Boulder, Colorado, supplemented by a number of standard reference works, a tabulation was made in 1984 that included only earthquakes that measured 7.5 or more on the Richter scale, or that resulted in destruction of five million dollars (U.S.) or more in property, or that caused 100 or more deaths. It was calculated that there had been 856 of such earthquakes during the 2,000 years before 1914. The same tabulation showed that in just 69 years following 1914 there were 605 of such quakes. These statistics are a means of indicating the extent of suffering and a vast increase of earthquakes during this period of history, and if you add the 41 years to bring this terrible record up to date for 2024 that increase would be very much greater!

                                                                             Open Your Eyes!

There is not enough space on this page to enter all of these cataclysmic events, so below are a redacted section containing the date of the event the country and number of deaths to help you see the truth that supports this huge increase:

1914 Turkey 4000 deaths.

1915 Italy 32,610 deaths.

1917 Indonesia 1,500 deaths.

1920 China 200,000 deaths.

1923 China 3,500 deaths.

1923 Iran 2,200 deaths.

1923 Japan 142,800 deaths.

1927 China 40,900 deaths.

1931 Nicaragua 2,500 deaths.

1934 Nepal 10,700 deaths.

1935 Pakistan 30,000 deaths.

1939 Chile 28,00 deaths.

1939 Turkey 32,700 deaths.

1944 Argentina 8,000 deaths.

1948 Russia 110,000 deaths.

1960 Morocco 15,000 deaths.

1970 Peru 70,000 deaths.

1976 Guatemala 23,000 deaths.

1976 China 255,000 deaths.

1988 Armenia 25,000 deaths.

2004 Sumatra 227,898 deaths.

2008 china 87,587 deaths.

2010 Haiti 222,570 deaths.

2011 Japan over 10,000 deaths.

There have been many hundreds of other Earthquakes since 1914 up to the present time 2024 with many thousands killed, but the point of this list is to provide proof that Jesus' words mentioned in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 have had a significant fulfilment since 1914.

Earthquakes, wars and famine are all visible effects of this prophecy coming true, but there is much more substantial proof of the approach of Armageddon within the pages of the Bible, ignore these facts at your peril!

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